Ignite Your Creativity

Quick Lesson Descriptions

Lesson 1
Meditate To Create

In this session you will learn how to work with your mind by being guided through a focused mindful meditation session.

Lesson 2
Savoring The Soundscape: An Ancient Tibetan Singing Bowl Journey

In this session you will learn how to listen mindfully to sounds to support the stimulation of this creative thinking.

Lesson 4
Toning To Create

Whether or not you consider yourself a singer or think you’re absolutely tone deaf, you can move yourself into positive states by using the vibration of your voice.

Lesson 7
Deeply Anchored

This session is designed to help you go even deeper and solidify the meditation tools you’ve practiced so far, so that they can be strong and reliable anchors for you on your creative journey.

Lesson 5
Yes You Can!

In this session you will be focusing your attention at the sacral energy and solar plexus energy centers of the body.

Lesson 8
Off The Cushion And Into Manifestation!

In our last session together, you will be guided from meditation to manifestation of your creative idea!

Lesson 3
R.A.I.N. Washing Away Obstacles

In this session you will learn how to meditate with the acronym RAIN as a tool to help communicate with, calm and nurture these difficult emotions that upset your creative babies.

Lesson 6
Discover Your Creative Sanctuary!

In this meditation practice you will be guided to go deep inside and to cultivate your very own personal Creativity Sanctuary!

Bonus Lesson
Up Close And Personal With Ancient Singing Bowls.

In this session you will learn the history of Himalayan Singing Bowls and learn how to play and meditate with them as another creativity tool.

Listen to this introductory audio for free to see how you will benefit from this course. Get a preview of what you will get from purchasing the course.

Learning Dimension

Connect to your Center, Ignite Inspiration, and Cultivate Creativity.