How Soundbaths Enhance A Mindful Listening Meditation Practice

Both Soundbaths and Mindfulness meditation practices are wonderful ways to meditate! Soundbaths, in particular, are a powerful and synergistic partner to enhance a Mindfulness practice especially when we incorporate ‘Mindful Listening’ into the fabric of the bath.  Soundbaths support, deepen and anchor the benefits of this combined Sound and Mindful experience.

A fundamental Mindfulness meditation tool is Mindful Listening. Mindful Listening is the practice of resting your hearing awareness on just the bare essence of any sound you hear.  It’s also an open-meditation practice, as compared to a focused one, and is scientifically proven to stimulate creative, divergent thought, a sense of spaciousness and overall increased wellbeing. These mindful open-listening tools will increase the ability to incorporate all kinds of stimuli that meet us during our day to day life, while helping us to maintain feeling grounded, clear and at ease.

When we enter a Soundbath, the vibrations quickly ease us into the present moment.  Our physical bodies begin to soften and relax as we settle in.  As the instruments begin to play (we might be listening to Ancient Tibetan Singing Bowls, Crystal Bowls, gongs, flutes, handpan drum, koshi bells and voice etc.) our Mindful Listening practice will be enhanced due to the way the frequencies are received and by the way we choose to listen to them.  In a Mindful Listening Soundbath session, we allow our hearing to be guided by whatever sound is calling us,  We might be called to listen to a single tone or pitch, or harmony, or we might be called to listen to all the sounds as a whole.  Since a Soundbath offers so many beautiful tones, sounds and overtones to focus Mindful awareness, we can more easily land into spacious and open states that bring us into deep peace,  ease and clarity of mind.  In fact, it is not unusual to find that we have more creative and divergent thoughts while also experiencing a lessening of anxiety and even physical pain.

So come and flow in peace and ease as you enjoy a Soundbath with a Mindful Listening ear!


Velvet Stream Album - Coming soon