Spring Into Mindfulness (album)


Full album of mindfulness practices including mindful listening to Ancient Himalayan Singing Bowls.

Mindfulness is bringing our attention to the present moment with openness and curiosity and a kind willingness to be with what is. In these meditations you will learn how to practice mindfulness, cultivate focus, equanimity, compassion and gain a greater sense of happiness. If you are fairly new to meditation, I suggest that you begin with the shorter practices and stay with them for a while. As you feel more comfortable with these you can begin to explore the longer selections.

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Full album of mindfulness practices including mindful listening to Ancient Himalayan Singing Bowls.

Mindfulness is bringing our attention to the present moment with openness and curiosity and a kind willingness to be with what is. In these meditations you will learn how to practice mindfulness, cultivate focus, equanimity, compassion and gain a greater sense of happiness. If you are fairly new to meditation, I suggest that you begin with the shorter practices and stay with them for a while. As you feel more comfortable with these you can begin to explore the longer selections.

Full album of mindfulness practices including mindful listening to Ancient Himalayan Singing Bowls.

Mindfulness is bringing our attention to the present moment with openness and curiosity and a kind willingness to be with what is. In these meditations you will learn how to practice mindfulness, cultivate focus, equanimity, compassion and gain a greater sense of happiness. If you are fairly new to meditation, I suggest that you begin with the shorter practices and stay with them for a while. As you feel more comfortable with these you can begin to explore the longer selections.

All payments go through Airetight Media, Inc. Allowing yourself to learn, practice and grow through this experience is one of the healthiest choices you can make for your physical, emotional and mental health! Mindfulness is accessible to anyone! All you need is the willingness to be present with yourself in the moment and allow the process to unfold.